Your First Sunday Visit
We’re glad you’re interested in Neartown Church! We are “inviting busy people to experience the peace of life with Jesus Christ.” We started this faith community with hopes of providing relevant faith for the city.
What time does it start, and what happens?
We are currently gathering together on-site at 10 am on Sunday mornings.
We are streaming our services for Church Online every Sunday at 10am on Facebook and YouTube.
A time of songs led by an incredible band, with words on screen so that everyone can participate in this act of worship. Many people sing during this time, but merely listening to the music is completely acceptable.
Pastor Russell will lead people to read the scriptures and understand what it means with practical application to daily life.
Some brief announcements along with instructions for our guests and those looking to take the next step toward attending an upcoming event, participating in a service project or visiting a Loop Group (our take on small groups).
A time for Mission Partners (our take on membership) to give financially to support the work of Neartown Church. We do not pass the plate or compel anyone to give against their will, believing that God loves a cheerful giver.
An encouraging word from the Bible spoken over the congregation as the service ends.
How do I get there, and where do I park?
The Council on Recovery Center | 303 Jackson Hill St. Click here to view on Google Maps. Free parking is available next to the facility. We even have reserved parking spots near the door for our First Time Guests!
What about my children?
KidCity is available at 10 am for children through 5th grade.
All teachers are fully trained and background checked by Neartown Church. If you are interested in seeing the KidCity area prior to Sunday morning, feel free to contact us to set up a brief tour.
For more information about KidCity, visit kids.neartownchurch.org
Do I need to bring anything with me?
If you own a Bible, we would encourage you to bring one with you, as well as something you can take notes with. If you don't have a Bible, we will be glad to provide you a brand new one! And if you have a smartphone, we would encourage you to visit esvbible.org, or go to your phone's app store to get the ESV Bible on your phone.
What do I wear?
Neartown Church believes you should “come as you are.” If comfortable for you means jeans and flip-flops, wear that. If comfortable for you means suit and tie, wear that.
I’m not a Christian; is that OK?
Definitely! We would love to have you join us. We welcome people from all faiths and backgrounds to join us in worshipping the God of the Bible and learning about the life and work of Jesus Christ. If you're curious as to what we believe, you are welcome to review our Statement of Faith.
Can I listen or watch prior to attending on a Sunday?
Yes! Click here for our audio archive of previous messages. Or you can click here to view the video archive.
Can I meet Neartown Church leadership and ask questions?
Sure thing! Pastor Russell will be there. Go here to contact them, or use our contact form.